South East Pacific Regional Scientific Research Working Group


The Southeast Pacific RSR-WG is coordinated by Patricia Esquette and Tanja Stratmann.

Current Activities: 

In 2023, members of our working group successfully applied for ship time for three research cruises onboard the Falkor(too) in the South East Pacific and Antarctica: 

  • Unexplored Seamounts of the Salas y Gómez Ridge which is led by Erin Easton, one of our members. 
  • Biodiversity in the Margins: An integrated Exploration and Charcterization of the Chemosysthetic habitats & deep-sea canyons of the Chilean Subduction Zone”, scheduled for October November 2024 and led by Jeffrey Marlow, Eulogio Soto and Patricia Esquette.
  • Interdisciplinary investigations of remote polar environments: Exploring new frontiers of Antarctic biodiversity and ice-ocean interactions, scheduled for January-February 2025 and led by Patricia Esquette, Alexandr Montelli and Eulogio Soto.


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