Cruise title: SMARTEX Lead PIs: Adrian Glover / Daniel Jones Partners: NOC, NHM, U. Southampton, U. Plymouth,…
credit: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Cruise title: LIFE AND DEATH AT AXIAL SEAMOUNT: PROTATAX 2023 Lead PIs: Julie…
credit: Fisheries and Oceans Canada Cruise title: Northeast Pacific Deep-sea Expedition Lead PIs: Cherisse Du Preez, Chelsea Stanley,…
credit: Prof Louise Allcock Cruise title:Deep Ecosystems CE23010 Lead PIs: Prof Louise Allcock Partners: Dr Martin White,…
credit: AKMA3 team Cruise title: Advancing knowledge of methane in the Arctic (AKMA 3 Cruise) Lead PIs: Giuliana…
credit: WHOI Cruise title: Corals and Sponges as Biological Hotspots of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Mesophotic to…
credit: ACEP Deep Connections Cruise title: Deep Connections Lead PIs: Prof. Kerry Sink Location: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa…
Emerging researcher Luther Adams credit: Kerry Sink Cruise title: One Ocean Hub Capacity Development Cruise Partners: One Ocean…